Monday 24 March 2014

The results of my first lesson

Hi everyone

As you know if you like to read my babblings, yesterday I had a few hours out in my shed and took the opportunity to get started on my lampwork lessons.

Firstly I did some reading up to the point Corina gets to making beads. I started with black, CiM Tuxedo. Lots of people start with black because it's a stiff colour. Here are my beads:

Some ended up in the bin because the holes weren't right. I need to work on a method of making same size beads. There's quite a variation here isn't there.

Then I moved onto using some different colours. From left to right the colours are: and this is where I realise I didn't write that first colour down, I think it is dark transparent turquoise. The next one is pearl grey then French blue:

These are nice shaped beads but again, they need to be the same size.

I then remembered to add my poison apple bead:

Then I moved onto spots. From left to right we have,
sea foam with honey mustard limited run dots,
Silver plum with mermaid dots
Pale emerald green with daffodil dots
Count von count with glacier dots
Turquoise blue with oz dots
Medium red with charcoal dots
Charcoal with medium red dots
Milk chocolate brown with Phoenix dots

That Sea Foam colour is gorgeous. I definately want to use that more.

Here's another view:

I used a load of colours to make a twistie when I ran out of 2.4mm mandrels. The use of a load of colours was a bit of a waste. These were the colours: pale emerald green, electric yellow, damson, dark red and either cirrus or marshmallow:

I also made more beads in these colours which I very much like. I need to work out the colours:

Lastly, here are some polymer clay beads I made a while ago. I don't think I'll bother to sand them because I'm not sure what I'd do with them:

For my next lesson, I think I'll work on making the sizes of beads more equal and use different colours.


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