Monday 10 March 2014

I did it! I made a nightie!

How's that for a title? Much better I think.

Welcome to a tale of nightie making. A likes to sleep in a nightie. She's not a pyjama person. Fuelled by the excitement of The Great British Sewing Bee, I really wanted to have a go making a nightie for her because I thought it would be nice for her to have an ankle length one.

I had an old duvet cover I saved in the hope I'd one day do something useful with it. I lay it out with a nightie that I knew fitted her on top and drew around it with a fancy pen I have:

I measured to work out how long it should be. Then started cutting. I did two bits like this drawing on a neck shape I thought would work.

Then it was sleeve time. I used the sleeves of the existing nightie to make these:

The two halves of a leaf on the left of the picture weren't right so I redid that:

I've written "front" and "back" so I don't get confused and "1" or "2" on the sleeve bits to make sure I match up the right bits.

Then I had an idea to look at a blog I enjoy reading and decided a change of plan for the sleeves would make things easier and make for a better finished look. The blog I'm referring to is Tilly and the Buttons and she's just published a pattern for a top she calls 'Coco'. I thought looking through her helpful posts would make the nightie less of a disaster. I had the basic bits of fabric that looked the same:

I followed her steps to put my four bits of fabric together and actually managed to do it:

It took me hours but went surprisingly well. I really enjoyed making it and feel a great sense of achievement. A is wearing it now.

Her feedback? She was generous this time and said she loves it. She did request a heart on the front though. It's easier for her if she can see which is the front.

I made the nightie yesterday, Sunday, and sewed the heart on the front today. I used a bit of the quilt cover that was embroidered. I then washed it, ironed it and left it to dry. The pen came out and it ended up looking like this:

The heart is a bit off centre but I was too impatient to think to line it up accurately.

Needless to say, I am really pleased. Seeing my daughter wearing something I've made is a lovely feeling.

P needs new pyjama bottoms but that would involve a fabric purchase which would possibly only be slightly cheaper than buying some new ones so I'm not sure if I would attempt that. Would be good to make something for him too though.

On another subject, I ironed my scarf today and laid it out in the living room. It was tricky to get a decent photo but this might give you an idea how long it is:

Here's a couple of other photos:

I made a Happy Flower Decoration for it. The pattern is from the Attic 24 blog:

What have you managed to make that you didn't think you could?

Ten minutes to go till its time for me to put the children to bed. Better go, bye.


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