Wednesday 31 December 2014

Happy New Year

I'm currently sitting with William part laying on me because he wouldn't settle with all the firework bangs.

We had a good day swimming then lunch at McDonalds. Played a bit of Monopoly. Watched a film called 'Fluke'. P and A didn't manage to stay awake till midnight. Hopefully you two will sleep in a bit tomorrow. I'm going to be very tired.

Right, it's gone quiet firework wise. I'm sure no one would start with them now so I'll try going to bed again. He's very settled though and a bit cute. Earlier he panted and barked a little and generally didn't know what to do with himself when I tried to go to bed.


Monday 29 December 2014


P, I am in bed and you are downstairs with Dad and D watching Liverpool play. It's almost ten at night. You seem very grown up at times recently.

Today we saw Cinderella.

I loved looking over and seeing you both smiling while you were watching it.

William came too and was very good. We had lunch and met the cast who were lovely to us. This year we even got lollies at half time which was very kind.

Dad and I are loving that now D is older we can walk William together sometimes. It's so lovely for us to get out together. We chat about all sorts of things while we are walking.
