Thursday 16 February 2012

Polymer Clay

Here's a polymer clay three-toed sloth I made with the guidance of Christi Friesen's excellent "Welcome to the Jungle" book. Her books are excellent and have the most brilliant step-by-step instructions that mean it's relatively easy to produce something that looks good.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Lampwork Beads

Here are some lampwork beads I've made.
The tiger style beads are Corina Tettinger's design and I like making them very much.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Polymer Clay Necklace

This is a polymer clay necklace I made from some beads I really liked. Some of them ended up looking a bit like the "Scream" mask which I thought was quite clever. My polymer clay beads get sanded in my rock tumbler then buffed with my little dremel type thing.