Sunday 5 August 2012

Lantern Lighter Necklace

The bottom half of the lantern is finished.

I'm not totally comfortable with the darkness of the rivoli bezelling against the relative lightness of the sides. It's made me appreciate how hard picking colours is and the value of 'kits'. Hopefully when it's done and threaded on the rope I'll like it more.


Friday 3 August 2012

Laura McCabe Necklace

It's coming along but probably a little too slowly for my deadline at the end of the month.
I decided I didn't like the end pearl bead so changed the colour to red and like that one far more.

Bottom left of this picture you can see the focal 'Lantern' taking shape. I thought it would be wrong to show it in close up before its finished in respect of copyright. I'm nearly there with it.
