Sunday 12 January 2014


Hello there

It's been a good weekend. Stuff has been accomplished which is a very good thing. There's been a tip run and I've managed to throw a few bits and pieces away (I'm not very good at that).

This man was made the other day and P asked me to photograph it. He's behind it holding it up while eating a prawn cracker!

He also was my Scotch Pancake making Buddy and did a most excellent job. This one he made all by himself:

I asked the children's view on a ripple blanket v a hexagon one and they said ripple with no hesitation. That's good then. I can stop wavering about that. I'm going to gradually collect the colours and will use the Debbie Bliss yarn I bought to make a cushion. I have an idea for a squares pattern. In the meantime, I'm still making flowers for my scarf which has an extra flower appear almost every time I wear it.

Friday I ignored the house and went out to my shed to make beads. It was lovely. They are all clean and waiting for me to photograph.

Tomorrow is going to be a strange day that will involve me either dog walking or driving to hospital for A's check up while P is at school. It will be great to get things checked out but I've made a bit of progress in the kitchen this weekend and would really like to keep going.

Hope you had a good weekend.


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