Monday 17 February 2014

Another Face Cloth

Hi there

I've made another face cloth:

I've added a few more stripes to my ripple blanket and now need another ball of Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino before I can continue:

I'm very much enjoying working on this but it is going to be a very long process. I'm estimating by summer next year it might be finished. The last blanket I made took me about three years. It was a baby blanket for my daughter. It helped to work on it while she was in hospital and we would wait for her to come out of theatre. When it was finished she was a bit too old for a baby blanket and it stayed hidden away for a long time. Since starting to read the Attic 24 blog though I've developed an appreciation of blankets and it now lives in the living room where we use it to keep us warm. It could do with being a bit bigger but it does the job for my daughter for now.

I've started working on an Attic 24 summer garden granny square wash cloth using up my Rowan Cotton Glacé. This is it so far:

I'm scared to go upstairs. It's very noisy and I was just asked to inspect the tidying that my son and daughter are doing. The sight that met me was an interesting definition of tidying. They had taken all the stuff out from under my son's bed and put it on the floor in the middle of his room. Apparently they are sorting things out!

We are at the start of a week off school and it's going well so far. My son has quite a bit of homework to do. My daughter has to learn her spellings, read and practice her touch typing. We managed to get it all done before lunch today then sat to watch a film. There was then housework for me to do with some help from them. My daughter is having swimming lessons each day this week. I thought it would be good to give her a bit of a boost with her swimming since she hasn't had private lessons before. She was very excited.

Dinner is nearly ready and I'm still not keen to go upstairs. I think I'll remain in blissful ignorance of the state of things for a bit longer.

I got out to my shed last week and tried to make a field of poppies bead. It didn't go as well as I had hoped. Haven't managed to take any photos yet but will post them on here when I manage it. I worked from a photo that I really liked and would love to show you that but will have to see if I can work out how to link to it since I probably shouldn't post it directly because it's not my photo.

I hope your week is going well.


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