Wednesday 28 May 2014

Isn't You Tube Brilliant


Don't you think that You Tube is just brilliant. Today, with the help of a very nice man, I fixed a puncture on P's bike. I have never done it before and wasn't sure I'd be able to but I wanted to give it a try. Here I am proudly holding the tyre I'd just liberated from the rest of the bike:

P took the photo for me. I look very pleased with myself because I am very pleased with myself. I couldn't have done it without the help of the pink hammer my dad bought me for Christmas.

That's my birthday t-shirt by the way.

Here's my work area with the helpful man on my iPad telling me what to do:

I also made chocolate chip cookies from an Ocado recipe. They went very flat but taste nice:

I made banana bread too but don't have a photo of that.

I cut these peonies from my garden. The open one smells amazing. I normally don't bring them inside but each year I usually get one flower and that's it. I thought that I'd try cutting them this year to see if it meant I got more flowers.

I finished this rabbit today:

I am so pleased with it. It's for A. Her favourite animals are rabbits and dogs. It took me quite a while and was really fiddly. It was fiddly because it's really small.

The pattern is from here:

Here she is next to my massive cone of yarn from Yeomans. This yarn is lovely and what a brilliantly massive load of it I have now. £12 for all that isn't bad I don't think. I'd like to build a bit of a collection of these colours. I like how it's not shiny like a lot of crochet cotton.

I forgot to post a photo of these beads the other day:

I was attempting rainbow colours and practicing my stringer work too.

I am very low on bead release now but will hopefully be able to buy more soon.

A made this recently. She drew all little things for inside the igloo. There are medals, a bed, pants, glasses, books and all sorts. I love her art. This one makes me think of hyrogliphics. I haven't spelt that right, sorry.

I'd love to hear what you've been making.


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